mtf.white 1.3 nefertiti

Saw this beautiful piece of art from over 3.3 k years. For sure thingiverse already had few versions of it so i downloaded files and went for it.

this was also thin wall first calibration run so i dont mind some imperfections, mtf.white recently got 1.3 mechanical upgrade so speed is still testish…

This was printed at 50% size since it is huge, i think xl will be able to pull it off in 1/1 but we shall see about that. Here is meta.frame white in action.

Whole print considering speed and early machine status took nice 6 hours, some problems were caused by me not checking how thin these walls really are so with minor tweeks i think we can do this much better.

Here is final product front

mtf white 1.3 nefertiti front
mtf white 1.3 nefertiti front

also side view

mtf.w 1.3 nefertiti side
mtf.wwhite 1.3 nefertiti side

So, what needs to be changed? A bit more on extrusion ratio, bit lover temperature and higher speed will probably do the trick.

next time remember than when printing 0.4 nozzle always check your wall thickness.

mtf.white 1.3 upgrade

My meta.frame.white has reached version 1.3 and has just got:

  • sliders (slider2.0-xl1.8)
  • carriages(carriage1.0)
  • actuator(actuator1.5-xl1.3)
  • combo extruder(extruder1.8-xl1.5)

These are all confirmed natural evolution from previous versions. Currently this model we call white is in version 1.3.

easy switch fast all material 24 cm print surface delta 3d printer with all plastic and aluminium frame

meta.frame.white v1.3
meta.frame.white v1.3

movement is improved, broken parts are replaced and now only thing left to worry about is increased level of noise since i like this machine so much i tend to use it as is, a fast desktop printer. Noise has roots in some geometry problems that reach far in history and i will fix this in version 1.4. For now enjoy in demo and keep posted for .stl files and code.

mtf.white 1.2 fat extrusion

Another mtf experiment, my reasoning was:

how would it look like if instead of trying ever thinner and finer printing i try another way?

Said, done! I found one nozzle that always used to clog, one dremel 2.6 mm diameter drill bit and combined the three. Drill, drill bit and old nozzle allowed for extremely wide and high layers. Almost 2.4 mm height with 3.1 mm trail width.

mtf white 1.2 bigger nozzle.experiment
mtf white 1.2 bigger nozzle.experiment

Since at this time i am working on firmware for xl model it was risky to experiment here but i gave it a try and got full print, with many problems but never underestimate knowledge base of problems.

one thing is that prints are very fast, material is also speedy spent since pressure is 3 mm filament to 2.6 mm nozzle so not much friction.

Temperature will also need to be higher because sometimes perimeters pull inside whole side. This rocket bottom took only 30 minutes start to finish so potential is here. Part is rough and slick at same time.

mtf white 1.2 xl extrusion experiment
mtf white 1.2 xl extrusion experiment

this is bottom untouched after print, brim is still here and part is very tough and heavy. I have need for more precise prints so this will be only experiment.

mtf white 1.2 very fat extrusion
mtf white 1.2 very fat extrusion

Do you have use for this idea?

Case at hand will be finished and hopefully launched this spring.

mtf.white will be going for upgrades to 1.3 next, then hopefully some more precise prints with new sliders and actuator.